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Philosophy of Education


      English language education is crucial for our social, economic and cultural development. English is essential for communication, education, and employment opportunities. English also fosters social inclusion and cultural understanding allowing Puerto Ricans to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. English education is very important because of the way the word is changing. Every day something new appears in the word and almost everything is in English making it harder for people that don’t learn English. This education can help many students and their families adapt better to all this changes that can be difficult for some people.


      There are many ways that people learned like for example repetition, observation or imitation but no matter what kind of learning we decide to use all of them are equal important. For me repetition is one of the most important things when it comes to learning. Repetition can help a student develop a path of what they must do. By repeating we enhance the memory and recall and helps with the development of automaticity and fluency helping students improve every day. We can assume that “For a child to learn something new, you need to repeat it an average of eight time” (Hunter 70). In order for a student to learn we have to repeat what they have to learned, answer their questions multiple times and make sure they are practicing and re-practicing their work in order to learn it and be able to show their understanding. Another time of repetition we must enforce in the classroom is to invite students to learn by showing them we care about them and about their learning. As a teacher we must make share students know we care about them and their future, so they feel safe and confident in the classroom, and they have the enthusiasm to learn. By repeating to our students how important they are and giving them the support they need we can establish a trust that can help our students move forward in their learning. As a future teacher I promote a healthy and respectful classroom environment because I believe that if I show respect and  have a well organization that what I will receive from my students. Promoting a healthy classroom is something everyone cued be inspired to have, because this doesn’t only help the student and teachers it also helps us as teachers to be happier in our job and enjoy the things, we do each day as teachers.


      I believe that each student is unique and has their own individual needs, learning styles and we as teacher must make share our main goal is our students and their learning. We as teachers must be always prepared if we are not prepared our student will not be prepared and that gives them the wrong message. In the textbook on The First day of School Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong say “Don’t be ineffective you and your students will pay for it. Ineffective teachers have classrooms that are not ready” (Wong any Wong 89). This is a very clear example that we must be ready because is not only that we are failing ourselves we are failing our students and our school. Respect, ethics and professionalism are the most important values for me because as teachers we must respect our self and our students, we must have ethic and be fare with everyone in our classroom. Teaching for me is a way to give back to the community and to all of those teachers that help me become ho I am today. I teach because it's something that makes me happy seeing students learn and washing them grown to leaders in the society.  I want to give them the chance to communicate in a different language, making there carriers more interesting because they can grow and use their knowledge in the world. To be a teacher is more that’s just a job for me Is the perfect place to help students do something good with their life’s.


    Teaching English in Puerto Rico has a significant impact on both teachers and students because it gives them a personal and professional way for development. English teaching provides the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the language and the teaching skills, also fosters cultural exchange between students and teachers as they share their cultural background and perspectives. By teaching English teacher prepare students to communicate effectively, access global opportunities and contributes to the social development. Students are able gain access to quality education and many other reasons that are primarily in English. Also, students that have more skills in English are more competitive in the job market. We can say that it has a very good effect that will help many people, not only the students. Harry and Rosemary Wong say, “A job is something a person does to earn a living; a career is something a person does as a lifetime pursuit” (Wong and Wong 305). This is the effect we want to have on students we want them to have a career that makes them happy and by teaching English to them they can expand their job opportunities and they can have a better chance to be happy in their jobs. Also by teaching them to pursue their career dream we are making sure they have goals on there life as adults.

     Teaching for me is to care about students and to welcome them to our classroom with happiness, making them feel special and love so they can have a safe space to learn. Teaching English can help student develop in magnificent way not only in their personal life but also in their professional. We must teach students that is ok to fail and to not know things because that why we are there to help them learns and become good in English. My goal is to make my classroom a place where everyone is them self and is not afraid to fail and keep trying their best every day so they can be proud of them self. For my me as a teacher it will be a learning proses that well help me each year become better and learned from my mistakes how to improve in my work and how to show students that I’m not perfect but I will do the best that I can to be perfect for them so they can learn from me, and I can learn from myself. Repetition will be a key element in my classroom because when we have a clear idea of what we need and what students to do we can have better results, making us and the students improve and learn to pay attention to instructions and details. I will continue to improve every day by practicing the work I want my students to learned and finding different ways and techniques so student can learn and have fun at the same time, because leaning doesn’t have to be boring it can be different things the important thing is that students learned something they will remember in the future.




Wong, Harry K., and Rosemary T. Wong. The First Day of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher. Harry K, Wong Publications, Inc., 2009. 

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